A dog training collar is one of the key components of a comprehensive training program, along with other tools and techniques. For optimal success, combine it with handler confidence, proper body position, positive reinforcement (praise or treats), consistency and motivation (your dog really wants to learn what you are teaching them). Also ensure you understand how stimulation from an e-collar works so as not to accidentally harm them!
When using a collar to build confidence, first ensure it fits correctly. For maximum effectiveness, ensure it sits high on the neck near the ears and snug enough that probes (which deliver stimulation) can make contact with skin without cutting off blood flow or causing pain; yet at the same time it shouldn’t slip around the neck too easily.
Begin by familiarizing your dog with his or her new collar and remote without providing any form of stimulation for several days without doing anything extra to them. Allowing time for them to adjust will enable them to understand that vibration and noise from the remote are harmless to them and help ensure a positive experience overall.
As soon as you start training your dog it is best to begin by backtieing and keeping a safe distance between yourself and them, but still in sight. Next turn on their collar and press its button when engaging in unwanted behavior – for instance if they chase sheep they could receive an annoying pulse to cause them to move away from the herd.