You have to train your dog, but you have to do so in a kindly manner. This article will help you train your dog properly while having fun with your pet. The more you are willing to learn about training your pet, the better your results will be.
Give your puppy his own toys that he can chew to remove pain due to teething, and keep him away from chewing other items. Immediately replace it with one of his designated chew toys. A wet frozen washcloth is great for a puppy, who has teething pain, to chew on.
Do not tie more than one dog in the same area. It is just too easy for dogs in such a situation to tangle their leads together, and this can lead to serious injuries for both of them. It can even be fatal if you tie a large dog up with a small dog, and the large dog ends up getting a chain wrapped around the small dog’s neck.
The first step of training your pooch should be to assert your control. You must establish your dominance first and foremost, or your dog is unlikely to obey. Demonstrate your position of authority to your dog by leading the way whenever the two of you are walking.
Teaching a dog how to roll over isn’t too hard with a few treats in your hand. You can have your dog sit or roll over. Then hold the treat at the side of the dog’s head and move it around it’s face to the other side. They’ll follow your treat with their nose which will cause them to roll over. As he is rolling over say, “roll over” and praise them immediately when they do. Be patient with him when you are teaching this because once he learns it, he can be quite the show-off amongst your friends.
When house training your pup, you should adhere to a regular schedule of feeding and elimination. By establishing a regular potty-time every day, you will get your dog in the habit of doing his business at the same time daily. Then he will become practiced at waiting until the right time.
When training your dog, use discretion and regard for your dog’s attention span. Dogs can quickly lose focus when you prolong activities. Early on, your training sessions should be limited to less than 10 minutes.
If your dog is jumping on you, grab his paws with your hands and gently squeeze them to deter his behavior. Do something that makes them uncomfortable so that they can associate their action with something negative. It won’t take much time for your dog to associate the unpleasant squeeze with jumping on a person, and he will quickly refrain from doing so.
Dog Trainer
This article can get you started on being a good dog trainer. When you take heed of the suggestions and ideas within this piece, you will find yourself becoming a better dog trainer. You will also find yourself listening to your dog’s needs much better. Small tips equal large progress.
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