If you want a trusting, obedient dog, it is important to begin training immediately. Dog training has its ups and downs and the more armed you are with knowledge, the less fazed you will be in your endeavor. Keep the following tips in mind during dog training.
Train your dog to remain calm when you walk into the room. You should make sure they are calm when you come into the house or in the room that they are in. Calmly enter the house and ignoring your dog until you are ready to interact with him.
It is best to train your dog in a crate that is the right size. As your dog gets older, he will probably grow larger. Choose a crate which will be suitable for the puppy when he matures into an adult. The ideal size would be one that doesn’t make your dog crowded when turning around or laying down.
During the canine training process, take care not to inadvertently reinforce bad behavior. Do not pay attention to your dog or pet it if he does something you are not happy about. For example, don’t rub your dog’s head when they jump up at you and when you come in the door if you don’t want them to jump.
As the dog gets better at training, you can let it have more freedom. The balance between freedom and obedience can give dogs a great life. Just make sure your dog is properly trained before giving him so much slack.
Positive reinforcement is an essential component of puppy training. Use a happy tone when you are rewarding your dog; pet him a lot, and give him a little treat once in a while. Under no circumstances should you be violent or aggressive with your dog in response to negative behaviors. This just doesn’t work, and it will cause your dog to fear you. Be positive, firm and consistent to get great results while you train your dog.
Avoid letting your dog have accidents when potty training. Pay attention to the cues your dog displays to indicate that he needs to be outside. It’s common for them to snuffle, wise and pace when they have to go. Don’t hesitate to take your dog out whenever you notice your dog behaving in one of these ways. Immediately take your dog outside to the official restroom spot. Praise them for going to the bathroom properly. In time, the dog will ask when he wants to go outside.
You want your dogs to listen. Use the tips from this article to make training your dog a little easier. Puppy training requires time and patience, and you should not give up just because your puppy did not obey you when you gave him a command the first time. Your dog will become obedient if you keep repeating the same commands and exercises and use the best strategies.
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