The Beginners Guide To Successful Canine Training

Even if you thought the dog you brought home was a perfect angel, it’s not uncommon to find some disastrous behavioral problems with a new puppy. The good news is that, with just a bit of basic training, your dog can become better behaved within just a short amount of time.
If you in the crate training phase of your training program, you can use a few techniques to speed it up. If they shy away from the crate, try placing a chew bone and shutting its gate when they are not inside. They can see and smell that bone, and they will want in the crate to have it. After he goes in the crate, reward him with praise and a treat.
Commands and corrections should be short and straight to the point. Do not drag on in a rant to your dog about how bad they are. Just say no, then show it what to do instead. When speaking to your dog, use a voice that commands respect.
Generous rewards are a key part of training. It’s very important to provide treats at the proper time. This is because dogs tend not to understand what it’s being rewarded for when they do not get it at the proper time.
Use a controlled and calm behavior when rewarding your dog for good behavior. Giving a reward for an appropriate behavior is correct, but do it quickly and move on. Don’t let your own excitement get your dog excited or they will lose focus. Stay calm, require calm from the dog, and give the reward.
It is best to pick a phrase for potty training your dog, and use it consistently. When you take your puppy outside, say “go potty” to them so they will eventually associate the phrase with going to the bathroom outside.
“Leave it” is a very important command that teaches your dog to drop whatever it is holding. This should be the first command you teach. This command is a great way to avoid damaging furniture or eating dangerous things.
Pay strict attention to your body language and tone of voice anytime you are training a pet. Dogs tend to be well in tune with how their trainers are feeling. It is okay to be appropriately stern.
Keep a spray bottle handy to deter your dog when it tries to bite people or things. Your dog will quickly learn that what he is doing is not acceptable. If this method is successful, you will get these negative behaviors under control and be able to enjoy your dog.
Most people are surprised how quickly their dog can learn from training and how fast they get results. If you feel like you and your dog are having a hard time, try some of this advice.
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