Looking For Help With Your Dog? Look No Further

Regardless of your level of experience with dogs, it is likely that you know that there is a lot that goes into raising a new dog. Do not expect to be a perfect owner right away. You should keep reading to learn more being a good dog owner.

TIP! It takes a lot of money to raise a dog. Dogs require quality food, medical care, and general supplies that can vary in costs.

Make your home doggie-proof. Don’t take a dog into your home without being sure that it is safe from top to bottom. Put up all of your cleaning supplies and medications, and be sure you put away any trash cans. Many common household plants are poisonous, so keep them away from your dog or get rid of them.

You should not kiss your dog. Dogs are prone to tartar build up and cavities just like people. Dogs go through garbage cans, toilet bowls, and love smelling and licking specific body parts of some other dogs. It’s an old wives’ tale that a dog has a very clean mouth. However, this simply is not the case.

TIP! Get your dog neutered. This reduces the chances of cancer and helps keep the stray animal population down.

If you’re training your dog, don’t just use verbal commands. Try hand signals as well. These signals will help you keep your dog under control in a noisy environment. Look at both options and see if one particular way works best.

You should talk to your vet about the foods you give your dog. In some cases, your pet may not be able to consume certain food brands without becoming nauseous. Choose dog food adapted to the age of your puppy and use common sense when determining which foods are healthy for your dog.

TIP! If you keep some medication in your home, make sure your dog cannot access it. Swallowing even one pill can end very badly, with a sick or dying dog.

Rawhide bones are the best options for your dog. Real bones can chip and splinter, this can cause your dog to choke and wreak havoc on his digestive tract. It has been proven that rawhide is healthy for your dogs teeth, therefore avoid giving your dog natural meat bones.

When a dog behaves badly, correct him immediately. Ignoring it for any length of time will only make it that much more difficult to contain later and you never know what could happen as a result of it now. Bad behaviors that are left uncontrolled can result in human injuries to you, your child, your friend or your neighbor. This is why it’s important to nip them in the bud immediately!

TIP! Do not feed your dog from the table. If you do, he will hang around you constantly wanting more every time you eat.

If you buy a new dog, set up a vet appointment as soon as possible. This should be done as soon as he is adopted. In addition to giving your dog a check up, the vet will schedule vaccinations. Also talk to your vet about getting the dog spayed or neutered – there are already way too many dogs in shelters, and you really don’t want to add to this problem.

If you’d like to be a dog owner, but think you might not be able to handle the commitment, consider fostering dogs. There are many less than fortunate dogs in shelters that would love to find a forever home. Fostering a dog will both help the cause and allow you to test drive the responsibility involved with pet ownership.

TIP! If your dog does something the correct way, such as sitting before you put the leash on, make sure that you give it tons of affection and praise. This will show that you appreciate what your dog is doing.

You should be able to take better care of your dog, now that more information is available to you. Love and patience are key to a happy relationship with your dog. You need to look around to find out more information to make your dog happy.