Learning How To Train A New Puppy

TIP! Ensure that your dog eats well. Your dog will not benefit from a poor diet.

A dog or cute little puppy can steal the heart of many a person. If you are the owner of a new pet you are very lucky! If you train your dog well, you will have a friend for life. Your pet will know what is expected, and you will have confidence in them – whether you are at home or not. Use this article to find some tips that will help you create a great relationship with your pet.

TIP! A number of repetitions will be necessary before your dog will be able to master a new command. It is not uncommon for it to take between 25 to 50 repetitions of the same command for your dog to learn it.

When you are working on crate training with your dog or puppy small steps is what works best for them to get used to it. Eventually they will become comfortable with the crate and you can then try to shut the door to the crate. When they allow the door to shut you can give them a treat through the wiring. Start off small, like 10 seconds at a time, and slowly move up the times. If the puppy gets too upset then you increased the time too much, too fast.

TIP! Have verbal cues so that your pet will know exactly when they complete a command correctly. Using a positive word such as “yes” will fill the time between the performance of the desired behavior and the delivery of the reward.

You will have to repeat commands several times before your dog learns it. It is said that a human only masters something when they do it 10,000 times, and dogs are no different, although it should take much less repetitions than that! Keep working patiently on the command- he’ll get it with time.

TIP! Dog barking can be stopped by removing the cause. It may be a noise, or seeing other animals or people.

When you buy a crate, ensure it is the correct size. You should keep in mind that your dog will get bigger. Choose a crate that your puppy can grow in, but won’t grow out of. The dog will need sufficient room to rest and turn around without feeling cramped.

TIP! Use your dog’s name as many times as you can, this will keep his attention on you. Use it as often as possible when you have your puppy during the first weeks, the puppy will make the connection.

It is best to train your pet without unintentionally affirming his undesirable behaviors and mistakes. Thus, you must not reward the dog if it does something you are working to stop. For instance, it will be difficult or impossible to train your dog not to jump on people if you give your pet a friendly neck-scratch when he or she jumps on you.

TIP! Don’t get frustrated by accidents during the potty training phase. Clean accidents up immediately to assist in your training efforts.

Get your dog’s attention the same way every time. When calling your dog, use their name every time. This gets his attention, then you can follow through with the command. Dogs often respond to their name immediately and know you intend for them to pay attention.

TIP! Using different tones for different training purposes can be a useful tool in training a dog. Use different tones for orders, praises, warnings and reprimands so your dog can easily distinguish your different reactions.

Use positive reinforcement when you are training your dog. Use a happy tone when you are rewarding your dog; pet him a lot, and give him a little treat once in a while. Don’t ever hit your dog or yell at them! These tactics backfire and just make your dog believe you are incompetent. Firmness, positivity and consistency are the keys to solid dog training.

TIP! Try to keep your leash loose when you take your dog outside to train. This gives your dog the option to explore and walk around freely.

A key part of canine training is to start early. You and he will find it much easier to learn how do the right thing than unlearn the wrong. If you never give your dog any scraps from table food, they will never start begging for it.

TIP! One tip to keep in mind when training your dog is to not give up. Constant reinforcement and praise are essential when maintaining the training your dog learned in how to behave.

Keep track of the number of treats you give your dog. Your dog needs to watch his weight, too. To keep your dog healthy, you really need to monitor their treat intake. It’s an aspect often overlooked.

TIP! Is your dog getting all their required nutrients? Dogs are like children in the sense that bad diets lead to them acting bratty and hyperactive. If your dog’s diet is poor, then change it to include nutrition that’s appropriate for him.

Spray your dog with water when it does something you don’t like. This helps the dog learn which behaviors are not acceptable. Eventually, your furry companion will quit these annoying traits, and you can enjoy your time with them more often without having to worry about them biting.

TIP! Dogs are capable of knowing the right and the wrong things to do with proper and consistent training. Everyone in your house needs to set these boundaries too.

It is hoped you have discovered a few tips to improve your relationship with your pet. Whatever fits your situation, begin to apply it today. You are certainly already in love with your puppy. Training is a vital part of success. Make sure you train your pet well. A successfully trained dog makes for a better relationship for both owner and dog.

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